Adventures, Life

February Sunshine

So this morning I woke up and saw that it was a lovely sunny day, something not usually seen in February!

So I had a coffee, got dressed, packed some snacks in my backpack and set off on a walk.

As I usually walk on my own I wanted somewhere not too isolated, so I decided to walk along the canal (the side along the houses).

I kept Alfie on his lead for the majority of the walk as I knew there would be a lot of dogs and people out due to the lovely weather.

We walked along the canal, breeze running through our hair/fur and into the next village.

The houses along the canal are gorgeous, with their gardens overlooking the water. Some even had canal boats moored up.

I am now dreaming of owning one of these houses one day and a canal boat!

We stopped a couple of times for a sit down and water, although Alfie refused to acknowledge the fact that was tired!

To my surprise we came out at the supermarket, 2 villages away, which is when we decided to turn back.

On the way home we decided to come off the canal and walk along the tour path until we reached our normal spot where Alfie runs around.

He was pretty tired so he didn’t enjoy being off his lead as much as he usually does!

After nearly 9km and 2.5 hours we finally made it back home where Alfie immediately went to bed!

Bring on more of this lovely weather as i think that a long walk really sets you up for the weekend!

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